Please note: Terms of payment are strictly applied and payment is expected to be received within the Days given. Any claim for shortage or damage must be made in writing to our Customer Services department within 5 days of invoice date. All orders below £250.00 Nett will incur a £12.50 Order Surcharge. Terms and conditions of sale supplied by Snap-on Industrial supersede or any other conditions that could arise when submitting an order or contract to Snap-on Industrial. Additionally, requesting an order acknowledgement will be on the basis of the acceptance of our Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale.
Terms and Conditions of SaleSnap-on Industrial is a division of Snap-on UK Holdings Limited (“Snap-on”)
1. Offer and Governing Provisions.
We are pleased to offer for sale the products manufactured or marketed by Snap-on (“Goods”), subject to the following terms and conditions. This offer is expressly conditioned upon Customer’s assent to these terms and conditions, and Snap-on hereby objects to any additional and/or different terms which may be contained in any of Customer’s forms or other correspondence. No such additional or different terms will be of any force or effect. Customer’s placement of any order for Products constitutes Customer’s unconditional acceptance of the following terms as the entire agreement between Customer and Snap-on with respect to the purchase and sale of Products.
2. Price and Payment.
The price of the Goods shall be Snap-on’s quoted price. However, Snap-on can increase the price of the Goods at any time before delivery to reflect any increase in its costs which is due to any factor beyond Snap-on’s control. Unless otherwise agreed to in writing, the price is exclusive of VAT and other duties and delivery costs, all of which Customer will pay to Snap-on.
In case of late payment, Snap-on Industrial maintains the right to apply interest of 2.5%, above the Bank of England base rate, p.a. on the overdue amount, until the overdue payment is paid in full.
For Website Purchases, payment shall be made in advance of delivery online by one of the following credit or debit cards: Visa, MasterCard or American Express.
3. Delivery, Risk and Title.
Delivery shall be regarded as taking place when the carrier presents the Goods for unloading at the agreed delivery address. Unloading of Goods will be at Customer’s risk and expense.
Any dates quoted for delivery of the Goods are approximate only and Snap-on will not be liable for any delay in delivery of the Goods however caused. Time for delivery will not be of the essence. Without affecting Snap-on’s other rights, if Customer fails to take delivery of the Goods at the specified time Snap-on may store and insure the Goods and Customer will reimburse to Snap-on on demand, all of Snap-on’s costs in doing so. If delivery is to take place in instalments, each delivery will be a separate contract.
Risk of loss of or damage to the Goods shall pass from Snap-on to Customer upon delivery. Customer must notify Snap-on of any shortages or damage to the Goods within 7 days of delivery. Your failure to do so shall be conclusive evidence that you have accepted the Goods.
4. Cancellation.
Without affecting Snap-on’s other rights, Snap-on may defer or cancel any deliveries of Goods and treat the Contract as cancelled if the Customer:
a. breaches any of the terms and conditions of the Contract; or
b. enters or proposes to enter into any arrangement with Customer’s creditors, becomes bankrupt or otherwise insolvent, is unable to pay its debts as they become due, have any receiver, administrator or liquidator appointed or if any event similar to any of the foregoing happens to the Customer.
Customer may cancel the Contract in the event that Snap-on materially breaches its obligations under the Contract and Snap-on fails to remedy the beach within 28 days of Customer’s notice in writing requiring Snap-on to remedy the breach. Otherwise, Customer may only cancel the Contract with Snap-on’s written agreement.
Where Customer enters into this Contract as a Consumer, the following conditions shall apply:
a. Customer will have the right to cancel the Contract without charge (save as set out below), by notice in writing to us at any time within the Cancellation Period. This right to cancel does not apply to any Contract which falls within Regulation 13 of the Regulations, including any Contract concerning the provision of any Goods which have been made to your specification. In addition, this right to cancel does not apply where Goods have been used or packaging opened in any way.
b. If Customer chooses to exercise the right to cancel within the Cancellation Period in respect of any Goods, Customer shall be responsible for returning the Goods to Snap-on and shall bear all costs of delivery of the Goods from Customer to Snap-on.
c. To exercise the right to cancel, you must notify Snap-on of this intention by e-mailing us at mailto:[email protected] by telephoning 01536 413904 and obtain a Returned Goods Authorisation Number.
Where goods are supplied under a “consumer transaction” (as that term is defined by the Consumer Transactions (Restriction on Statements) Order 1976) Customer’s statutory rights are not affected by these conditions.
If Snap-on cancels the Contract under paragraph 4 above or if the Customer cancels the Contract otherwise than in accordance with paragraphs 4.1 and 4.2 above, Customer will indemnify Snap-on in full against all losses (including loss of profit), costs (including the cost of all labour and materials used), damages, charges and expenses incurred by us as a result of cancellation.
5. Intellectual Property.
All Intellectual Property rights owned by Snap-on as of the date of the Contract, (“Snap-on IP”), together with any derivatives or modifications to the Snap-on IP shall continue to vest in and remain the sole property of Snap-on. All Intellectual Property rights owned by Customer as of the date of the Contract, (“Customer IP”), together with any derivatives or modifications to the Customer IP shall continue to vest in and remain the sole property of the Customer.
6. Warranties and Liability.
Snap-on’s warranty of the Products shall be as set forth in the catalogue in effect on the date of Customer’s order for such Products. (A copy of the catalogue is available from Snap-on upon request.) The repair or replacement remedy set forth in the catalogue in effect on the order date shall be Snap-on’s sole obligation and Customer’s exclusive remedy, and shall be conditioned upon Snap-on’s receipt of written notice of any alleged defect within 10 days after its discovery and, at Snap-on’s option, return of such Products to Snap-on, F.O.B. its factory. THIS WARRANTY IS EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. SNAP-ON EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS AND EXCLUDES ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR PURPOSE. Any description of the Products, whether in writing or made orally by Snap-on or Snap-on’s agents, specifications, samples, models, bulletins, drawings, diagrams, engineering sheets or similar materials used in connection with Customer’s order are for the sole purpose of identifying the Products and shall not be construed as an express warranty. Any suggestions by Snap-on or Snap-on’s agents regarding use, application or suitability of the Products shall not be construed as an express warranty unless confirmed to be such in writing by Snap-on.
Except as otherwise agreed in writing, Snap-on’s liability with respect to the Products sold hereunder shall be limited to the warranty provided in Section 8 hereof, and, with respect to other performance of this contract, shall be limited to the contract price. SNAP-ON SHALL NOT BE SUBJECT TO ANY OTHER OBLIGATIONS OR LIABILITIES, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF BREACH OF CONTRACT, WARRANTY, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE AND STRICT LIABILITY) OR OTHER THEORIES OF LAW, WITH RESPECT TO PRODUCTS SOLD OR SERVICES RENDERED BY SNAP-ON, OR ANY UNDER¬TAKINGS, ACTS OR OMISSIONS RELATING THERETO. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Snap-on specifically disclaims any liability for property or personal injury damages, penalties, special or punitive damages, damages for lost profits or revenues, loss of use of Products or any associated equipment, cost of capital, cost of substitute Products, facilities or services, down time, shut down or slow down costs, or for any other types of economic loss, or for claims of Customer’s customers or any third party for any such damages. SNAP-ON SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR AND DISCLAIMS ALL CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL AND CONTINGENT DAMAGES WHATSOEVER. Customer shall indemnify Snap-on against any and all losses, liabilities, damages and expenses (including, without limitation, legal fees and other costs of defending any action) which Snap-on may incur as a result of any claim by Customer or others arising out of or in connection with the Products sold hereunder and based on Product defects for any Product modified by Customer. Snap-on will indemnify Customer against any loss Customer suffers arising out of death, personal injury or damage to physical property to the extent caused by Snap-on’s negligence or the negligence of its employees or agents.
Snap-on will not be liable to Customer or be regarded as being in breach of the Contract if there is delay or failure to carry out any of our obligations and the delay or failure arises out of any cause beyond our reasonable control.
7. Software.
If the Contract includes the purchase of any software, this shall be subject to the license agreement applicable to that software.
8. General.
Snap-on may perform any of its obligations or exercise any of its rights under the Contract through any other company within its group. Customer may not assign the benefit of the Contract without our prior written consent.
Snap-on may at any time retain, make deductions from or set-off any amounts it owes to Customer in order to meet any amounts which the Customer owes to Snap-on.
Any notice Snap-on is required or permitted to give to the Customer under the Contract shall be in writing and addressed to the Customer at the address or e-mail address the Customer gives to Snap-on from time to time. Any notice the Customer is required or permitted to give to Snap-on under the Contract shall be in writing and addressed to Snap-on at mailto:[email protected] or to Snap-on Industrial Sales Division, 38A, Telford Way Industrial Estate, Kettering, Northants, NN16 8UN. United Kingdom.
If any provision of the Contract is held by any competent authority to be invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part the validity of the other provisions of the Contract and the remainder of the provision in question shall not be affected.
Nothing in the Contract, these Terms and/or any Quotation is intended to confer on any person any right to enforce any of the terms in such Contract, Terms and/or Quotation which that person would not have had but for the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999.
The Contract shall be governed by the laws of England, and Customer and Snap-on hereby agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts in connection with any dispute or other matter arising out of the Contract.
9 Glossary of Terms.
In these General Terms and in the Contract:
- “Cancelation Period” means the period of seven working days from the date of delivery of the Goods;
- “Consumer” shall bear the same meaning as set out in the Regulations;
- “Contract” means agreement between Customer and Snap-on generated by Snap-on accepting the offer made by the Customer in their Order, incorporating Snap-on’s quotation and these Terms;
- “Goods” means the goods (including an instalment of the goods or any part of them) which we are to supply in accordance with the Contract;
- “Group Company” means Snap-on and any other of its companies that is a member of the group of companies of which Snap-on is a part;
- “Order” means your Order in writing for Goods;
- “Quotation” means our non-binding indication in writing of the terms on which Snap-on and Customer, might, subject to the Contract, be prepared to supply the Goods.
- “Regulations” means the Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000
- “Snap-on” means Snap-on Industrial a Division of Snap-on U.K. Holdings Limited, a company registered in England and Wales (company number 2648720) whose registered office is situated at Chichester House 278-282 High Holborn, London WC1V 7HA;
- “Writing” includes any form of electronic communication which we may specify for interaction with our website;
- “Customer” means the person(s) names as the Customer(s) on the order.
The headings in these General Terms are for convenience only and shall not affect their interpretation.