Heavy Duty Cordless Torque Multiplier
CTM1000 | CTM2000 | CTM3000
Our Heavy Duty Cordless Torque Multiplier with untethered access! No power cable or hose, improving safety convenience and versatility.
Target Customers include:
Features and Benefits:
Designed for outstanding thermal performance — the CTM simply runs long after most tools stop and need to cool down
Comes with three 18V, 5 AH batteries
Efficient motor design for powerful fastening performance and unsurpassed convenience
Consistent accuracy results of ± 3%
Allows 2-way communication via Bluetooth® or USB
Up to 3,000 torque results can be stored on tool and downloaded for audit or QA purposes
Projects, work groups, and torque targets can be uploaded to the tool from a Windows 10 PC or Tablet
Torque results can also be live streamed during operation!